
Welcome to DHS Random Moment Sampling System

The Administrative Activity Claim Processing System allows School-Based Medicaid Providers, who are registered, to submit Medicaid Administrative Activity claims electronically. Only "claim preparers" who have been designated as such by a participating Local Education Agency (LEA) can login and access the system.

For general information, instruction guides and other program resources, please visit the MassHealth School-Based Medicaid Program Resource Center at https://www.mass.gov/masshealth/schools.

For assistance accessing the site, contact the University of Massachusetts Medical School SBMP Help Desk at SchoolBasedClaiming@umassmed.edu or 1-800-535-6741.

Please enter your User ID and Password.


Click here to read Non-UMMS User Data Access Agreement.

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Your password is expired. Please reset your password

{{saveErrorMessage}} Password requirements:
Password must be a minimum of 8 characters in length, must include at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, and 1 numerical value and cannot be one of your previous passwords